Healing for the Nations:

God’s New Deal for the Youth

We live in a new day because God is doing a new thing in America, and in her youth. It is a whole new deal. The horizon for the youth is changing. Jesus, the Son of God, has arisen with glory and healing. He has brightened the horizon. He is bringing in a new deal: a way out of self-destruction and ruin. 

This article was published in the Spring 1972 issue of The Yale Standard.


For there is hope of a tree,
   if it is cut down, that it will sprout again,
   and that the tender branch of it will not cease.

Though the root of it waxes old in the earth,
   and though the stump of it dies in the ground,

yet through the scent of water it will bud
   and bring forth branches like a plant.

Job 14:7-9

God is Doing a New Thing in America

This article was published in the Spring 1972 issue of The Yale Standard.

We live in a new day because God is doing a new thing in America, and in her youth. It is a whole new deal. The horizon for the youth is changing.

Once, most young people could see nothing for their lives except the same dull, patterned existence which previous generations had established and which they were expected to continue in as a matter of course. Their way was clearly pointed out for them: primary, secondary, and college education, followed by a career, marriage, a family, retirement, and death.

Discontented with these prospects and disillusioned with the double standard they saw operating in American schools, businesses, churches, and government, the youth rebelled. In their revolt they attacked the established hierarchies of authority, brought immorality out into the open and sought an escape through drugs.

They have succeeded in shaking the structure of American society, but their methods have boomeranged, striking back at them.

Now Jesus, the Son of God, has arisen with glory and healing. He has brightened the horizon. He is bringing in a new deal: a way out of self-destruction and ruin. A way to freedom and eternal life through His Son Jesus who has the power to forgive sin, and to set men free from every bondage. Jesus offers abundant life to all young people who once saw no purpose in their empty lives. This is God’s new deal.

The “new morality” proclaimed by teachers, ministers, and professors, and condoned by parents and the youth themselves, was supposed to be a new deal: an offer of licentious freedom and an end to guilt. It has not brought freedom, but rather corruption, heartbreak, loss of self-respect and the erosion of marriage.

Drugs were supposed to expand the mind and increase a person’s hold on life. Instead they have caused addiction, insanity, and disintegration of personality in young people. Pushers promised: “If you take drugs you will have a fuller life.” They lied. Drugs have proved to be chains not wings.

What have rebellion against the establishment and the striking out into their detached world won for the youth? The “trip” did not take them to a new and better world. Once again the young people were tricked by the devil. Revolution was supposed to bring in a new social order, but it only caused useless disruptions, destruction, and needless loss of life.

Immorality, drugs, and rebellion are all part of the old deal. Their promises have proved to be false. But Jesus Christ the Son of God offers the youth a new deal. He offers eternal life, peace, true freedom, power through a relationship with God, if they will turn to Him, confess their sin, and follow Him.

Ministers and professors said, “God is dead.” Don’t believe the Bible; don’t expect God to help you out of your problems.” But Jesus has begun to counteract these lies and to reveal the truths of the Scriptures to the youth.

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There is a way to freedom and eternal life through His Son Jesus who has the power to forgive sin, and to set men free from every bondage. Jesus offers abundant life to all young people who once saw no purpose in their empty lives. This is God’s new deal.

God Is Faithful

God is faithful. Many people have prayed and interceded for the youth of America and of the world. God has heard the prayers of those who have been faithfully calling out to Him to deliver them from these lies and barren promises of Satan.

Though the young people have sunk to such depths of shame, yet “where sin abounds, God’s grace much more abounds.” They have been deceived by false promises and have fallen in many ways, but God is lifting them up. There are encouraging signs all over the nation. Young people are turning to God for deliverance from sin, drugs, boredom, and hopelessness, and are experiencing true liberation.

We pray and believe that the youth will hear the call to repent and that they will use their opportunity to choose God’s way: salvation through the cleansing of sin by the blood of Jesus.

In Moses’ time there was a new day and a new deal for the young. The older generations of Israelites refused to go into the promised land because they were afraid. They did not believe God’s promise to give them victory in battle against the Canaanites. They murmured against God. Their unbelief delayed God’s promises from being realized.

God raised up a new generation, those under 20, and gave them the promises their fathers could not inherit. They went forth in one accord, and went into possess the promised land. “Surely none of the men that came out of Egypt, from 20 years old shall see the land which I sware unto Abraham…because they have not wholly followed me.” (Numbers 32:11)

The Lord’s disciples were expecting a new deal. Jesus, their Savior, their Teacher, their Shepherd, before He ascended to the Father, promised to send the Comforter. The new deal for them began with the coming of the Holy Spirit. They were in one accord in one place because Jesus had promised them that He would not leave them orphans, but that the Father would send them the Holy Spirit.”

On the Day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit descended as a mighty rushing wind and with tongues of fire. He ushered in the church age, a new epoch, a new deal. With the Holy Spirit, God’s power and anointing came on the early disciples. What a day after such suffering and sorrow! Thousands were converted and baptized in the Holy Spirit and baptized in water.

This was only the beginning of the new deal. The Gentiles were also brought into the move of God. A new day for the Jews and a new day for the Gentiles—a new day all around.

Shortly after Pentecost, God led Peter by the Holy Spirit to go to the house of Cornelius, a Gentile. This was a new move of God, the beginning of a new day for the Gentiles, who had been excluded from the promises of Israel.

God told Peter that He was doing a new thing. Peter was no longer to consider Gentiles to be outside the plan of God. The middle wall of partition between Jew and Gentile had been broken down by Jesus’ death on Calvary. Now Gentiles could partake fully of salvation.

Peter obeyed, went to Cornelius’ house and the Holy Spirit descended on the Gentiles gathered there.

We are Still Living in the Era of the Holy Spirit

We are still living in the era of the Holy Spirit. The work which He began in the early church is not yet completed. Our generation has been ordained to accomplish a part of this work. God is now searching for those who will participate in His great design for this day.

In order that young men and women can participate in God’s plan He is offering the youth a new deal. We must believe that they will respond to God’s call, we have to believe. This is the great hope of the country, the great hope of the world which is sinking fast into a quagmire of iniquity and filth and despair.

Through the power of the Holy Spirit the early disciples were able to stem the tide of wickedness. Their contemporaries said that they were men who had “turned the world upside down.” They had God’s remedy for a sinful world.

Today Jesus is separating unto Himself a people. He is calling out the young and they will answer His call. The Lord Jesus Christ will have a people He can present to Himself as His Bride “without spot or wrinkle or any such thing.”

Thank God Today for the Brightest Future Yet

Thank God today for the brightest future yet. Thank God for His promise that in our generation He will have a people who will be entirely His, who will feast at the marriage supper of the Lamb.

The outlook from the world’s point of view, as well as the predictions for the winding up of this age, is one of alarm. What can the outcome be but one of gloom and despair?

But Jesus is Victor and He will give us the victory every time!

Just as Jesus Himself encouraged the disciples in their testing time, we too can be encouraged in this dark hour before the dawn. The light is breaking upon us now as His Church, His bride is being formed.

The Spirit says come, the bride says come and whosoever will may come. And let him that heareth say come and let him that is athirst come and whosoever will let him come. (Revelation 22:17)

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The Spirit says come, the bride says come and whosoever will may come. And let him that heareth say come and let him that is athirst come and whosoever will let him come.

Revelation 22:17