
Featured Science

God and Man and Monkey at Yale

Academia and the media usually view Darwin’s theory of evolution as a fact, a concept so thoroughly established as to be beyond serious challenge. Yet in an Introductory Biology class, when the professor asked: “How many here believe that God created man?” just a few hands went up. He then said, “I have to admit that it takes as much faith to believe in evolution as it does to believe that God created man.”

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Benjamin Silliman: Father of American Science

Silliman believed that not science but only God’s word could reveal God’s mercy. “In Nature, in God’s creation, we discover only laws, [but] there is associated with natural laws no system of mercy; that dispensation is not revealed in Nature, and is contained in the Scriptures alone.”

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God and Man and Monkey at Yale

Academia and the media usually view Darwin’s theory of evolution as a fact, a concept so thoroughly established as to be beyond serious challenge. Yet in an Introductory Biology class, when the professor asked: “How many here believe that God created man?” just a few hands went up. He then said, “I have to admit that it takes as much faith to believe in evolution as it does to believe that God created man.”

Evolution: Could Random Forces Have Invented the Marvelous Eye?

Her evolutionary biology class made her so unhappy, my friend said. The professor decided to lecture not just science, but attitude, too. For two lectures, she jabbed at the very idea of a creator, sneering at those who would embrace one. The podium was hers, and my friend, one among a hundred listening, could do little more than sit uncomfortably and hope for the end.

Benjamin Silliman: Father of American Science

Silliman believed that not science but only God’s word could reveal God’s mercy. “In Nature, in God’s creation, we discover only laws, [but] there is associated with natural laws no system of mercy; that dispensation is not revealed in Nature, and is contained in the Scriptures alone.”

Examining the Blood

Christianity rests on the foundational belief that the only way to God is through Jesus Christ, whose blood atones for sin. The “power of Jesus’ blood,” however, extends far beyond a new believer’s initial experience of it. Just as blood constantly flows through our natural bodies to sustain life, the blood of Jesus continually courses in the spiritual being of those who have identified with His death and resurrection.

Starfish Wars

I heard an interesting ecology lecture about how starfish prey on mussels and how mussels survive their attacks. When a starfish targets a mussel, it first climbs up and sits on top of it. Then it spills poison on the mussel’s shell, while the mussel struggles to keep its shell closed. By the time the poison penetrates the shell, the mussel is exhausted, and the shell starts to crack open. Interestingly, many mussels are found inside the narrow cracks of rocks, for a simple reason: starfish cannot touch them there. This mussel story was a perfect picture of my own spiritual reality.

Of Silk and DNA Strands

At the publishing company where I work, we get a journal called Science News. An article talked about the strength of silk, like that spun by spiders or silkworms. It told of a physician in the Wild West who documented cases of people who had survived bullet wounds because a silk handkerchief tied about the neck or stuffed into the breast pocket had prevented a bullet from penetrating vital arteries.

In Pursuit of Knowledge

Many people want to contribute to the expanse of human knowledge. Particularly in the field of science, our understanding is advancing quickly. The combined efforts of researchers have resulted in amazing technological advances. But as researchers we can spend half a lifetime simply catching up to the current level of knowledge in a field. One only has the remaining half with which to try to expand the field. 

Millennial Health Check: America’s Gathering STD Crisis

As we head into the next millennium, many are reassessing where we are going in the next one. Technologically, we have accelerated exponentially. Even within the past 50 years, we have advanced from room-sized computers to hand-held ones. Scientifically, we can sustain life in space for months and we have nearly decoded the human genome. However, some trends are not reassuring, particularly in the area of sexually transmitted diseases.


Flights of pigeons regularly fly, bombardier style, on the passages of air between our several apartment buildings. Be assured, the real pilots of America all wear feathers! Wheeling on one wing tip, they navigate Manhattan crevices so narrow and deep,,,,