The Yale Standard is an independent campus publication since 1969, published by Yale students and alumni.
These eight snow-capped pillars of Liberal Education have dominated their field since long before US News & World Report published its first annual college rankings—and long before their overworked admissions officers staggered under just too many applications from too many super-achieving candidates.
Q: How did these schools, modest in their beginnings, become the stuff of dreams?
A: This Ivy has roots!
We are Ivy League alumni from the 1960s, ’70s, ’80s and ’90s, and we’ve launched this Web publication to explore the Ivies’ deep roots, and to show that the qualities that founded these eight pillars can bear all the weight that a globalized, post-modern society two-and-a-half World Wars and a blaze of technology later can heap on them.
We’ve done plenty of digging over the years, and it leads us to conclude that these academies rose to preeminence because their founders and their like-minded successors held convictions strong and true enough to propel them there. These are roots worth uncovering, and the men who embodied them are worth emulating.
Anyone who sets out in search of his roots runs a risk: Who will turn up? A poet, a priest or a pirate? A hero—or a traitor? We don’t choose our ancestors. We’ll either embrace them as dear, lost kin or we’ll turn and leave their mementoes moldering in the attic, regretting we disturbed them.
The Ivy League universities spring from roots that most in our generation find, in a word, inconvenient. These schools grew out of enterprising Christian faith. Their founding reflects a conviction that society, in all its dimensions, is enriched and revitalized through it. The founders of Harvard, Yale, Columbia, and their brother institutions promoted nothing less than full-scale engagement of faith and character, alongside intellect and training, in academic life and throughout society.

The founders of Harvard, Yale, Columbia, and their brother institutions promoted nothing less than full-scale engagement of faith and character, alongside intellect and training, in academic life and throughout society.
Some of us discovered faith in Christ as Ivy undergraduates, finding nourishment and support in Christian fellowship on campus. Bonds we formed then have endured and refreshed us through subsequent decades. We love the hallowed ground where God grafted us into Jesus the Savior, joining many who had served Him here before us. Like salmon struggling upstream against the current, we came to understand that we had to swim that way—back to the faith and convictions that spawned our Alma Mater.
Visit us and explore our growing web site. Search our archives and reason with us as we examine the state of today’s spiritually unmoored academy and the larger society it aims to serve. We aim, as God helps us, to express the promise, soundness, and impeccable intelligence of life rooted in the experience of Almighty God as Creator, King, Tutor and Friend.
We look forward to hearing from you! Email us with your comments, suggestions, and questions.
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We look forward to hearing from you! Email us with your comments, suggestions, and questions.
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harvest gleanings
In the 1930’s, Thomas and Hannah Lowe were the first missionaries with the Pentecostal experience to work in Bogotá, Colombia. They sought the restoration of the first-century church vision and function as set forth in the New Testament. After Thomas’s untimely death as a martyr, Hannah’s service to the Lord would take her to Jordan, Venezuela, Egypt, and finally Israel.

Evangelist Christopher White
Christopher White serves in evangelism and teaching in the New York City metropolitan region, on university campuses, in Latin America, and wherever else the Lord may open the doors. He proclaims the Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ, promoting unity and cooperation among believers for the advancement of God’s Kingdom, and for the building of His eternal Church.