Are You Ready?
It won’t be long now! Soon you will actually feel Yale’s terrain beneath your feet, only to be beset by an eager crowd of suitors, offering anything they think might suit you…. You will have decisions to make in the first weeks at Yale which may well be the most important in your Yale career. They will set your direction for your years at Yale, which in turn will form the basis for later life.
Yale Bazaar
There are extraordinary pressures on freshmen to enter into things which will eventually take a marked toll on their lives.
Are You Ready?
It won’t be long now! Soon you will actually feel Yale’s terrain beneath your feet, only to be beset by an eager crowd of suitors, offering anything they think might suit you.
Why this rush of attention? You’re a freshman, of course, and freshmen have significance in many people’s lives. To the coaches they mean new prospects of beating Harvard; to Naples Pizza they mean more new customers; to the Yale Political Union they mean the possibility of a few more conservatives; to x number of other organizations they mean more new members—not to mention dues; and to the old campus they mean less green grass. The fact is that you, a freshman, are wanted. You will be asked to join, join, join! Just sign up and watch your spare time dwindle away to nothing.
But the choices do rest with you. You will have decisions to make in the first weeks at Yale which may well be the most important in your Yale career. They will set your direction for your years at Yale, which in turn will form the basis for later life.
There are extraordinary pressures on freshmen to enter into things which will eventually take a marked toll on their lives. Yale, not unlike other colleges, is an ocean of temptation. Drugs, sex, Eastern meditation and the like all work together, and few freshmen come through the year unaffected.
The other year, out of 11 freshmen on one floor of a dorm, only one was smoking marijuana upon entering Yale. By November only one of the 11 was not. The one exception was a student who knew that he could count on the power of God to keep him. He had used drugs quite frequently in high school, but was completely delivered when he received Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.

The other year, out of 11 freshmen on one floor of a dorm, only one was smoking marijuana upon entering Yale. By November only one of the 11 was not. The one exception was a student who knew that he could count on the power of God to keep him.
Each of us during our first weeks at Yale made a decision to commit our college years, our future, our lives to Jesus Christ. It was a decision we will never regret…for all of eternity. He supplies wisdom, hope, and faith in times when the best qualities of men would fail.
King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, gave this excellent advice: “For the Lord gives wisdom; out of His mouth come knowledge and understanding.” “In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.” (Proverbs 2:6, 3:6)
We invite you to come and hear how Jesus Christ has changed our lives and helped us through our college years, and how He can do the same for you.