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When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him. Isaiah 59:19
In a day when spiritually and militancy are supposed to be opposites, Isaiah’s words may seem antique, a rallying cry fit only for those who defend narrow beliefs with unconsidered zeal and blind partisanship. But spiritual battles are not human quarrels or contests between human factions. They are spiritual contests fought against spiritual forces and spiritual evils that would blight our greater hopes and turn us away from a longing for God. It is the Spirit of the Lord who lifts up a banner or standard, even in conflict, on behalf of those who honestly seek Him: those who seek Him with this attitude may be sure that they will find Him.
The Yale Standard, first published in 1969, is written for such as these; and the articles, prayers, histories and testimonies in its pages are written by Yale students and graduates to encourage Christians, and to testify to the seeking love and limitless power of Jesus Christ in this generation.
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“Christ is the only, the true, the living way of access to God. Give up yourselves, therefore, to Him with a cordial confidence and the great work of life is done.”
Timothy Dwight